Youth Life Excellence – The Virtual Academy – Start Sculpting an Excellent Career and Life

Gone are the days when education was limited only to learning languages, science, math, history, geography and civics, and sparingly drawing, crafts and physical training. Today’s youth needs overall development and accordingly education is going through a great revolution and is being looked at with various perspectives. Today it’s necessary to include life skills in education as only book-oriented knowledge of a limited range of subjects is sheer useless.

Taking all this into consideration, Bob Berry, the founder of Youth Life Excellence – The Virtual Academy, has designed excellent youth development programs aimed at overall growth of the youth. Here are some of the innovative learning programs:

General Life Success Training

Previous education system was not always capable of helping children decide their goal of life. This will be changed with the study programs by Youth Life Excellence like General Life Success Training in which students can develop a vision of independent living and are committed to it so as to get there.

Job Readiness, Workplace Success

Same was the condition regarding jobs previously which will be changed now with a course like Job Readiness where students can learn how to find and win a job and what to do for it, like preparing resumes, job applications, preparing for interview and more.

Future Selves Breakthrough Success

FutureSelves is an excellent course that can help students to choose careers according to their interests, help in decision making, improve performance and choose the right lifestyle.

Financial Literacy and Money Skills

It’s essential in today’s world to have an ability to manage money efficiently and effectively so as to make it work for you and increase it. Through the course of Financial Literacy and Money Skills, students can know where they are lacking, can find important resources, meet challenges and benefit from opportunities, and more.

Youth Life Excellence

Interpersonal and Social Skills

In today’s world where people can communicate and get benefited from other people around the world, it’s again essential to have interpersonal and social skills. Hesitation, fears and overall lack of communication skills has not remained a trifle problem, but it’s needed to be addressed on a priority basis. The course for Interpersonal and Social Skills will help students overcome these problems and those who are not facing these problems, can excel in their communication skills.

Teen Wake-up on Independent Life

Before acquiring all other skills, students should learn to identify the value of education in their own lives and should learn to connect education to jobs, income and a good lifestyle. Wake-up on Independent Life course teaches them to do that.

At-risk Youth and Troubled Teens

All this is not as easy for all students as they may face a lot of challenges in their life, mental as well as physical, especially, if students are dealing with the results of poor choices and have a past that can make them repent or saddened. Such students need to learn to reclaim their power over their future. The course of At-risk Youth and Troubled Teens addresses this.

High School Dropout and Truancy

To deal with the problem of truancy, the High School Dropout and Truancy prevention program has been designed by Bob Berry to make students commit to education and understand the value of education in life.

Great Discount on Life Course and Free eBook

Youth Life Excellence has now come up with an extremely lucrative offer of 93% off on their Life Course! Thus you will be getting $1500 worth course consisting of 9 full programs and 142 learning modules, just for $99! And you will get a priceless eBook for FREE! The eBook is full of information on job readiness, success in the job, career planning and exploration, and more. The book also has PDF “Fillable Forms” which teachers can use with students.

free eBook

The courses of Youth Life Excellence Virtual Academy are being used by more than 37,000 users online today with installations in all 50 states of the USA. So, what are you waiting for? Get enrolled today and start sculpting an excellent career and life!