UX Design – Can it Be Your Dream Career?

On HomeRoomEdu.com, we make you aware of new courses and fields from time to time and in this series, today we have brought to you UX Design. What exactly is UX design? Honestly, there is no definition of UX design or User Experience Design as such; it’s actually a concept having several dimensions such as information architecture, interaction design, usability, visual design and human-computer interaction. Usually these courses are quite pricey, but TheUXBlog.com has found three sites where you can learn UX design for free! Let’s know more about this lucrative discipline.

What is UX Design?

UX design is mainly meant for improving customer loyalty and satisfaction through the ease of use, utility and delight provided during the interaction with a product. Thus it can be said that UX design is a process of building products (digital or physical) that are easy to use, useful and pleasurable to deal with. It’s aimed at enhancing the experience of consumers while using your product and ensuring that they find your product valuable. However, this too isn’t a complete definition of UX design. There are more.

What is UX Design Meant for?

UX design is a process meant for finding what the experience of the user is when s/he will come across your product. UX design takes place. Whether it’s deliberate or not, someone decides about how human and product will work together. Good UX design takes place when these decisions are made in a way that understands and accomplishes the requirements of both – users and business (maker of the product).

Generating Positive Emotions about the Product

UX design can be said to aim at generating positive emotions by the user about the product. It is an art and it is science too of making people feel good while using something.

Elements of UX Design

  • Visual Design: Also known as user interface design, graphic design or visual communication, visual design represents the aesthetics of facing end of any user interface.
  • Information Architecture: This is the art and science of building and organizing the details of products and services to provide findability and usability.
  • Structuring: This is to cut information down to its basic units and connecting them to each other.
  • Organization: This includes grouping the basic units in a meaningful and distinctive way.
    Labeling: This is to use appropriate words for facilitating findability and easy navigation.

So, if you have developed an interest about UX design, go ahead and take up the free courses given at TheUXBlog.com. Who knows, you will find your dream career!