Benefits of Medical Professionals Taking an Advanced EKG Class

Learning never ends! No matter how highly qualified a person is, they can still learn something new every day and can get benefited by their knowledge and impart the benefit to others. An excellent example of this is the advanced EKG courses. A medical professional who has already learned how to take EKG can still take these courses and gain new knowledge about the EKG and their patients can thus get benefited by their advanced knowledge.
Types of Electrocardiograms
The heart is a complex organ of human body and of course, very critical too. A general EKG can show the changes in its functions, but there are various types of EKG from which doctors can get deeper knowledge about their patients’ heart and detect on time if there is something which needs immediate attention.
If a doctor takes an advanced EKG course such as EKG courses in Denver and Colorado Springs, for example, they can learn these various types of EKG and it will help them to make the most accurate diagnosis.
Resting 12-Lead EKG: This EKG is a standard test for measuring a patient’s heart’s electrical function. It is performed by making patient to lie down still and their heart’s activity is recorded from 12 electrodes on patient’s arms, chest and legs simultaneously. This test can be a part of a routine checkup to screen heart conditions before any symptoms appear.
Exercise EKG (Stress Test): This is also known as treadmill test and is done while a patient walks on a treadmill or rides a stationary bike. It monitors the heart during stress in the exercise. It also monitors blood pressure and breathing rates. Doctors can use this test to detect coronary artery disease and/or to determine the safest level of exercise following a heart surgery or cardiac arrest.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET): A CPET is an assessment of cardiopulmonary system. It is used to detect any cardiac or pulmonary (related to lungs) diseases.
Holter Monitor: This type of EKG is used to monitor the changes in the heart continuously for a period of 24 hours or even longer. In this test, electrodes are placed at certain positions on the arms, chest and legs. When the electrodes are connected to an EKG machine by wires, the heart’s electrical activity can be measured, interpreted and printed out for the doctor’s information.
Signal-averaged Electrocardiogram: This is a more detailed type of electrocardiogram. It involves multiple ECG tracings obtained over a period of around 20 minutes so as to detect abnormal heartbeats which may be seen only occasionally.
Thus, even if you’re already a medical professional, an advanced EKG course can equip you with deeper knowledge about your patients’ heart and an ability to diagnose the conditions correctly. Take such a course and save your patients’ life.