5 Major Benefits of Tuition Centres

Almost 8 out of 10 Singaporean parents with kids in schools or colleges prefer to pay for tuition centres. There are reasons for this. Being a full-time working person, the parent can’t be with the children 24/7. It’s also tough for them to stay updated with their children’s syllabus as they are out of school and college for so long. Hence sending their kids to tuitions is unavoidable for Singaporean parents.
If your child is finding it difficult to understand a subject or multiple subjects such as physics, chemistry or maths, they are in urgent need of something like Jurong West Tuition Centre. How can the tuition centre benefit your child? Let’s see.
1. One-to-One Attention
Tutors in a good tuition centre try to understand their students’ learning style. Some students are more visual, whereas some have short attention span, while some like to learn through activities. An experienced tutor can cater their classes according to their students’ learning style.
2. Working at the Students’ Pace
A major advantage of a tuition centre is that they work at their students’ pace rather than hurrying to complete the syllabus. When the tutor works at the pace of bright students in the class, weak students not only find it difficult to understand the topic, but they also feel frustrated. Hence if your child is weak in a topic/s, the tutor needs to explain them everything from scratch and customize lessons according to the student’s pace.
3. Exam Skills and Vital Study
An experienced tutor can also teach their student exam sills and vital topics like strategies such as paying keen attention to what teacher emphasizes in the class, time management and focusing and summarizing on titles during skim reading, so as to guess the content of the forthcoming tests.
4. Understanding Learning Hurdles
Children may face several types of learning hurdles like attention issues, behavioral problems or dyslexia. In that case, an experienced tutor tries to understand those hurdles and remove it, so that the student feels comfortable and finds it easier and fun to learn.
5. Strong Educational Background
Singapore is blessed with tuition centres that have tutors with strong educational qualifications. Almost all of them are specialized in the field they are teaching. And if they are truly passionate about teaching, they even seek extra training. However, you should remember that a tutor with limited post-secondary education may be more suitable to your child than the one having a Master’s degree. Here you’ll have to use your judgment to find the best tutor and tuition centre.
So, have you started looking for the best tuition centre in Singapore for your child?