Should Soft Skills Be Taught in Schools?

Soft skills are paramount to boosting your career. The characteristics such as critical thinking, teamwork and communication can make you stand out in the workplace. In fact, many adults could really benefit from a well-organized problem solving training. However, there are numerous reasons why these soft skills should be taught and developed even in schools. Let’s mention just a few of them!

Soft Skills Prepare Students for Future Jobs

Nowadays, employees face the problem of an “ever-changing” workplace. Like it or not, this issue is here to stay and our society needs to adapt to it. Critical thinking and problem solving training can help high school students to accept the fact that it is impossible to know how the jobs in the future would look like. Developing these two soft skills is crucial for the uncertain future of the job market. The ability of employees to work with less supervision  might be the essential skill employers will be looking for.

Critical Observation Improves Learning Skills

Many people think that critical observation isn’t really necessary for high school students. It is just fine to simply rely on what you are told, isn’t it? Nonetheless, this popular belief is nowhere near the truth. Analyzing the way you think and presenting evidences for your thoughts and ideas is much more useful for school subjects (and your future life) than simply learning facts. By the time today’s students will graduate, the technology can change a lot. This means that they won’t be able to use the same tools at work they are using at the moment. On the other hand, adaptability and critical observation are crucial for keeping employees up to date with major and minor changes in their fields of interest.

It should be said, however, that teachers have always taught soft skills, such as teamwork, problem solving, self-monitoring and active listening in the classrooms. The schools are places where we learn about the world around us, chemistry, physics and languages, but they are also here to socialize us and help us build and relationships with our peers. Incorporating soft skills in the curriculum, nevertheless, make it easier for teachers to develop and improve their students’ ability to have both successful careers and fulfilled life.