A Comprehensive Guide to Find the Right Kindergarten in Shanghai for Your Child

The kindergarten and preschool scene in Shanghai has developed a lot and includes high-quality daycare centers, nurseries and many more types of establishments that have emerged all through the city. Each of these provides different philosophies, environments and curricula. If you are trying to find the best kindergarten facility for your child, it’s worth taking the time to visit these facilities and learn about them.

It’s important to find what kindergarten options are available in Shanghai. Here there’s everything from reputable international schools having a kindergarten division, like Pre Prep at Wellington College International Shanghai, as well as facilities that offer options like Montessori and Reggio Emilia.

Systems and Curriculums

In the kindergarten schools of Shanghai, you will find a variety of options when it’s about systems and curricula. They range from PYP-based (Primary Years Programme) education implementing the IB school pattern that shape students to become active, motivated and lifelong learners and Montessori systems to more Chinese- or nationally-oriented curricula. Therefore it’s important to discuss with the school authorities and teachers for more details.

Your choice will be based upon the type of career you are looking for, for your child and the kind of preschool or kindergarten you want your child to attend.

  • Some preschools in Shanghai follow the American style curriculum which is aimed at developing a standard of language proficiency throughout the curriculum.
  • Some kindergarten and preschools are aimed at teaching children how to listen, respect and socialize. They follow American curriculum but the one designed for the Chinese market.
  • Some other preschools in Shanghai believe in inspiring children in the Reggio Emilia system, a pedagogy that uses self-guided, experiential atmospheres wherein children are inspired by their interests to learn and know more.
  • Some preschools make use of a mix of teaching methods that involve Western English (phonics) and a Chinese curriculum developed by LUC at par with bilingual kindergartens.
  • On the other hand, some preschools follow the Chinese programs, US Common Core (Arts, Language and Math) and UK National Curriculum (English phonics) to Shanghai government standards (Mandarin).

kindergarten schools of Shanghai

What Should You Look for?

Considering all the options, it’s clear that you have to make an informed choice for your child ranging from kindergarten branches of private international schools like Pre Prep to independent institutions. Hence before you begin your search, you should think upon a few things and ask some questions so as to choose the right kindergarten school for your child.

Parents have some important questions to ask like:

  • Is the preschool or kindergarten linked to an international preschool in Shanghai?
  • Location of the kindergarten or preschool
  • What are the play areas like?

Therefore parents should find the time to visit multiple kindergarten facilities to make the right choice. The more you visit, the clearer the picture will be in your mind regarding what are you looking for in a kindergarten school with points like curriculum, daily schedule, qualifications of teachers and environmental safety.

environmental safety

Here are points you should check.

Further Education

Consider if you aim at choosing a kindergarten that leads further to primary and higher education in one school like the Pre Prep that further leads to Wellington College International, or you are just happy with a standalone kindergarten, based on how far it matches your expectations.


You should also consider whether you are happy to enroll your child in a far-off school because it is perfect or you want your child to attend a nearby school.

Play Areas

Another point to consider is whether the kindergarten has a large and bright indoor play area or a garden providing plenty of space to children to play outside. For several parents, this is an important point to consider for various reasons like whether the school allows children to learn through play.

Consider all the above points and find just the right kindergarten for your child with which s/he and you will be happy.

Play Areas